First version of Movies Quiz

First version of Movies Quiz

Today we are releasing the first version of our game bot, now it is available for all users of the Telegram messenger. Here we will tell you what our bot can currently do, why it is needed and how to use it.

Movies Quiz is an online multiplayer game in a Telegram group in the style of a quiz. Compete with friends in the knowledge of cinematography, guess movies by frames and hints. Discuss films, share your impressions of films. After starting the game, the bot publishes various films in your group, the task of the players is to guess the name of the film from the frames, as well as text prompts. The text clue is the hidden title of the movie. For example, for the first hint, almost all the letters of the movie title are hidden, gradually with each hint more and more letters of the title are revealed, and the maximum possible number of letters is revealed for the last movie.

For the correct guessing of the movie, the player is awarded points, for the wrong name - points are deducted. The earlier the player answers, the more points he gets. Viewing player statistics is available only in the paid version of the bot. In addition to the number of points, the bot determines the average and minimum response time for each player and the number of guessed / not guessed films, on the basis of which the percentage of the player's erudition is calculated.

All users of the group can participate in the game, registration in the game is not required for this.

If you are a group administrator - invite the bot to your group, grant administrator rights, make settings if required and start the game. Be sure to take into account the presence of 18+ films in the bot database, warn your users about the presence of content over 18 years old.

The bot is controlled using commands in private messages and the game group.

Teams for the group:

  • /start - starts the game.
  • /stop - stops the game.
  • /c [Movie] - used to respond to a movie, where [Movie] is the intended title of the movie.
  • /my_stat - player's personal statistics. (subscription only)
  • /stat [Player] - personal statistics of the mentioned player, for example /stat @Player (subscription only)
  • /top - list of the top 10 players by points. (subscription only)
  • /settings - open the bot settings of the current group. (only for administrators)

Commands for private messages with the bot:

  • /start - call the main menu of the bot.

If you are using a paid subscription, then using the command is not necessary to reply to the movie, players can only send the name of the movie to the group. You will also be able to use a custom bot command prefix. Instead of a forward slash "/" you can use an exclamation mark "!", like "!start".